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Showing posts with the label Spin Rewriter 11 Coupon Code

Spin Rewriter 11 Review & Bonus

Spin Rewriter 11 Review – What is it? Spin Rewriter 11  is really a new version of  SpinRewriter – article spinning software  that created by  Aaron Sustar . It can benefit you to generate a huge selection of Human-Quality Articles in minutes. In this new version 11, rewriting software,  Aaron  is bringing the following to the old & new loyal users: Another huge step forward in the semantic analysis (meaning extraction)! A 5-year step forward in cutting-edge syntax manipulation technology. He's done a guide report on the synonym database (500+ man-hours invested). ENL Semantic Spinning can now change tenses of specific sentence parts. Users will have the ability to compare different spun articles side-by-side. He has improved integration with free stock photo sites (e.g. Pixabay). He's made the built-in video database a lot more powerful. Users can now embed specific YouTube videos (built-in search). He's improved the famous on-boarding process for new ...