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Showing posts with the label Konversio Discount

Konversio Review - Best Review for Purchase

Check Out Konversio Now Konversio is guaranteed to increase sales of your products, services and promotions. No matter what you sell or promote online! It is important to note, we did not invent countdown timers. We are not making that claim. But we have used them to increase conversions for many years. The problem was that traditional, basic countdown timers are losing their clout. We had ideas on how we could push things to the next level, new exciting features that we knew would force more people into making a buying decision by upping the ante with scarcity and urgency. We scoured the web to try and find software that included some of the features we wanted. As we guessed, it didn’t exist. So we set about creating it. As soon as we started to work on this project and tested the timers we created, we found that our sales and income went through the roof. The ideas and features flowed and pretty soon we realized we had created what we knew would be the future ind...