Friday, September 29, 2023

eCoverly Review - Bonus - Adeel Chowdhry


If you're anything like me, you dread designing covers for the eBooks, reports and other digital products.

I've spent plenty of evenings and a huge selection of dollars creating eBook covers and often I've HATED the results.

I've also tried plenty of eCover design tools within the years. Some were good, most were not. But the majority of them feel somewhat outdated today so this is exactly why a brand new eCover creator called eCoverly caught my eye.

This really is a brand new tool that produces professional looking ANIMATED eCovers in seconds. You can cause animated covers for the reports, books, courses, podcasts and more or less some other kind of digital product or service you can imagine.

In this review, I'm likely to be taking a closer look at eCoverly including what it will (and doesn't do) whether it lives around the hype and if it's worth your money.

I'll also review the upsells so do you know what to expect if you get eCoverly and what else is on offer once you've purchased the main product.

What is eCoverly?

Watch eCoverly Software Demo

eCoverly is a cloud based eBook cover creator tool. Unlike other eCover design tools, it allows you to create animated ecovers.

Why is that important? Well, animated ecovers are just one of the ways for you really to stand out of the massive competition online today - especially on marketplaces and in Facebook feeds where it's dog eat dog for people's attention and money!

eCoverly uses premade templates you can edit to create covers for a range of different product types. It's pretty user friendly, helping you save a large amount of time and money creating covers.

Here's a quick overview of the core features:

Create animated ecovers - 40 templates to pick from and everything is fully editable.

Create static ecovers - 250 templates to truly save you time and they're all fully editable too.

Choose your product model - models are the shape/type of product you intend to create. For example you can design a cover for a package, a CD, a written report, etc. You receive 20 of those different models to add your design to.

This really is definitely one of many more standard ecover design tools I've used, but it's actually set with heaps of handy features and the finished designs look much more professional than I was expecting.

For example, I created these animated covers in under 6 minutes on my first attempt…

Not as shabby, right?

Aside from creating animated covers, eCoverly also allows you to create static covers too. Unlike other tools, you will find lots of templates to obtain you started and there's also the option to create covers for 9 different product packaging styles:

  • Books
  • Boxes
  • Business/Membership Cards
  • CDs & DVDs
  • Flyers & Magazines
  • Big Screens & IMac
  • Laptops
  • Mobiles
  • Tablets

The drag and drop editor is extremely smooth and user friendly and when you're editing covers, you can insert and resize images, add/edit/restyle fonts, colorize images and apply different effects like grayscale, vignette and grunge.

You can even tweak the brightness and transparency of images so overall it is a really versatile tool that's heaps easier to use than others like it (and way cheaper and easier than Photoshop!)

What also impressed me was the huge image library that you can access from the comfort of your eCoverly dashboard. This provides you access to an enormous collection of clip art, stock images and the capability to upload and save your personal images (great for adding logos, profile pics, etc.)

There's also an on line image repository which allows you to quickly find images from Pixabay and Icon finder and apply them to your design without leaving the program or searching other websites, which I came across was a big time saver.

Music Player: You are able to pay attention to built-in music while designing your covers.

There's heaps of fonts to pick from too and each style can be customized with shadows, outlines, word space and character spacing. There's plenty of customization that makes it simple to create unique ecovers pretty quickly.

If you're dealing with clients, there's also a client module which allows you to share your designs directly with clients. I like this because it saves time having to truly save designs to your hard disk, affix to a contact and/or upload to Google Drive. Instead, you can just share the design directly and get feedback from your clients faster. Very cool! The biggest selling point for me personally is the grade of the ANIMATED covers. These specific things just look amazing and way a lot better than anything I possibly could find on Fiverr or Upwork (without paying $50 for!)

At this time, animated covers are a new thing, so it's hard to find anyone (or anything) that may help create them fast, cheap and to this professional standard. eCoverly solves that problem!

The caliber of these eCovers is seriously next level for a piece of software that does a lot of the world for you. After all, look at these gorgeous designs…

I've paid $100's for designs similar to this in the past. Now I reach pump them out in seconds without paying over and over again. Amazing.

What excites me about eCoverly is that it is a simple way to enhance book sales. In the event that you read all of the studies, you'll know that the better book cover can increase sales around 11 x (and sometimes more.)

So this is a tool that's bound to greatly help me - and plenty of other people - get new covers created fast and start seeing more sales coming in.

But needless to say, the most exciting thing is the truth that this tool creates ANIMATED covers along side regular covers.

Animated covers are being employed by best selling authors and major publishing houses to offer more books - why can't we do the exact same?

With eCoverly, we are able to!

Read more eCoverly Review to know more detail and check your bonus